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Thursday, June 20, 2024



by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


June 20, 2024 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


I don’t normally watch and listen to East Indian-origin gurus in full regalia on the Internet. However, I do tend to pay attention when I sense a podcast might be beneficial.  That is what happened when an Alex Ferrari’s “Next Level Soul” podcast offering was on the first page when I signed onto YouTube today. I have watched and listened to many of the “Next Level Soul” podcasts, which consist of Alex interviewing and listening to a variety of people—most of whom are engaged in spiritual activities/service in one way or another.  I don’t recall Alex ever having a guru as his featured guest.  That is reason enough to pay attention.  Alex’s guest was Paramahansa Vishwananda, a radiant man who experienced Mahavatar Babaji appearing to him and speaking to him beginning when he was five years old. When his connection with Babaji came out, I knew I was going to appreciate the podcast.

I have a connection and/or experiences with Mahavatar Babaji and his “descendants.”  I awoke to that in this life when at a rummage aka garage aka yard sale in the 1980s when I picked up a thick hardbound book titled “Autobiography of a Yogi” (considered a classic in spiritual circles).  When I flipped it open,  there was an image of Paramahansa Yogananda with eyes that seemed to look  into me.  I recognized him, and gasped aloud: “I know him!” Yogananda transitioned from this life in the 1950s here in the USA where he had come  to live and teach. I never saw him in this life, but I did see and hear some teachers who spent time with him and learned from him.  His guru was Sri Yukteswar, whose guru was Lahari Mahasai, whose guru was Mahavatar Babaji, sometimes called “the deathless guru.”  I did attend one of Hariharananda’s (also of Babaji’s line of gurus) presentations, in the 1980s or 1990s locally. There was a mutual recognition across the room.

Back to Vishwananda’s appearance on the Next Level Soul Podcast.  One of his counsels/recommendations was the importance of remembering who you are.  “Remember who you are.” That reminded me of an experience during the “traveling angel” years, when I was waiting for a library to open.  A toddler was standing beside two women talking, with one restraining him by holding onto his wrist, which he kept yanking to come in my direction.  She finally let him walk over, and he held up his arms to me.  I dropped my purse and briefcase and picked him up. Had about five minutes with him before he was satisfied and wanted to be put down.  We looked into each other’s eyes and words came out of my mouth, mainly, “Remember who you are.”  I added, “Don’t forget now” as we finished our visit.  I never heard him speak a word or make a sound to me or his caregiver. Yes, Vishwananda, it is to remember who we are.

I noticed a few people had commented below the podcast about Vishwananda’s radiance and some felt  healing energy radiating  from him.  Yes, so it was. My body began swaying, as it often does when viewing a high-vibrational being.  I found myself closing my eyes and going into a meditative state—deeper than I have in almost all year.  (It’s been a very challenging 2024, folks.) Had some indigo time as usual, but also  (my favorite) deep purple time, the main colors from my third eye that I see on my mind screen.

Near the end of the podcast, Alex asked Vishwananda: “What is your definition of a fulfilled life?”  The guru responded:  “When you have done what you came here to do.”  At some point after I gave up the “traveling angel” lifestyle and moved to my current location in  2010, I received unsolicited input from my Source Soul:  “You have done what you came here to do.”  So here I Am, biding time, but also facilitating healing and wellbeing for others when opportunities are presented and/or I receive guidance to do so.  

 P.S.  In recent weeks, I heard Philip Goldberg talk about his 2020 book titled, “The Life of Yogananda: The Story of the Yogi Who Became the First Modern Guru,” which left me with “warm fuzzies,” and have ordered it for that reason and because I was impressed with all the research he did and the time he put into it.  The reader can expect to see a “book report” blog before year’s end.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity  through this human  instrument.  We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

 Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Angel-Light Beamer: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com