by Angel-Light Love of
Spiritual &
Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator
November 10, 2010 on ♥Angel-Light
Recently this Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator got the idea of checking out specific areas of the physical body for "beings with negative agendas" with the assistance of the Angel-Light Team. "Beings with negative agendas" are usually in the physical body to cause disease and malfunctioning. This can also be done from a distance by means of frequency broadcasts, etc. Focusing on specific areas of the physical body isn't something new to our ministry, but just something we haven't done for myself or others in a long time. Normally, we focus more on removing these and other contaminants from the energy bodies. This focus on the physical is a means to address both physical disease already showing symptoms and physical disease developing in a more direct way. We have found that the more specific we can be, then the better the relief. I realize that this is ignoring the underlying spiritual causes, but it can prevent disease and expedite healing to identify and then remove beings with negative agendas from the physical body--much as medical personnel identify and remove tumors. By no means am I suggesting one forego the assistance of licensed physicians! However, over and over again, individuals (alone and with the assistance of others) have relieved and even healed disease of their physical bodies that had been diagnosed by physicians and then have no trace of the disease when the diagnosing physicians revisit their diagnosis with blood tests, x-rays, etc.
Anyway, we first checked various parts of my physical body for "beings with negative agendas" and removed them. Next, out of curiosity, we checked a supporter for the total number of "beings with negative agendas" lodged in his/her form and found about 35, not spending the time locating each of them. Obviously, if there are already disease symptoms--heart disease, for example, one can just assume there are one or more beings with negative agendas around.
If one is accustomed to working with one's Divine Support Team, one can employ their assistance to remove "beings with negative agendas." Here's a suggested request: "I Am [name]. I Am That I Am. I [name] decree I Am calling forth and asking you all to isolate, bind, and contain all beings with negative agendas located within and around my body's ____________ and remove them to a distant place for processing, replacing that in my body with _________________ [divine light energy of the Christ vibration or whatever you wish to replace them with]--on a full and permanent basis now."
If one would rather enlist the assistance of the Angel-Light team, we are available locally and or remotely.
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Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do
business. We do service. We trust Divine
to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of
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request). May all be well with you! May
there be plenty for you!
Angel-Light Love of Texas
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