by Angel-Light Love of
Spiritual &
Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator
October 21, 2012 on ♥Angel-Light
Once in the 1990s, a corporate executive type gal
consulted with me a couple times. She told me it was amazing how someone “like
me” (whatever that was) could know the business buzz words, how things operate,
etc. Perhaps one of her Divine Support Team or advisors/guides/angels was
speaking through me, but I didn't feel any such thing. It was more likely
another aspect of my Multidimensional Soul Self or another facet of my soul who
was advising her, or perhaps it was one of the Angel-Light Team (which includes
some of the foregoing). Matters not. What does matter is how people feel when
they leave my presence (or the telephone consultation ends)--empowered and
clearer, preferably.
In the 1980s, before I officially began my
Love-Light Ministry, I (as an independent and out of my home) helped people
develop resumes and coached people on the job search (among other things). Received comments similar to the corporate
gal’s, and others, including, “You told me just what I needed to hear.”
There are many different ways people who coach/advise/guide/give readings
obtain information, and many sources for the information.
We are the Angel-Light
Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do
business. We do service. We trust Divine
to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of
others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a
donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the
♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon
request). May all be well with you! May
there be plenty for you!
Angel-Light Love of Texas
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Facebook: Angel-Light