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Thursday, June 28, 2018


by Angel-Light Love of Texas
Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator
June 28, 2018 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥

Saw a quote of Eckhart Tolle on Facebook this morning: “Be aware of your breathing. Notice how this takes attention away from your thinking and creates space.”  It’s always good to receive reminders such as this!

We recommend full-body breathing. Breathing full body is easy once you’ve had some practice. There are several variations.  In all, the focus is on the trunk of the body.  In the strictest sense of the term full-body breathing, the entire body seems to expand outward when inhaling and retract back to normal when exhaling.  It helps to think of each pore of the skin taking in air to fill the whole body and letting out air to empty (although it doesn’t actually empty, of course).  If learning to breathe with the full body is too difficult, begin learning with focus on the trunk of the body.  After your practice, you will sense the trunk expanding and contracting. Some people are able to learn full-body breathing easily; other people need to practice over time (days, weeks, etc.). 

Once you become comfortable with full-body breathing, you can begin adding extras to the process. First is intention to use fully-body breathing for some particular process, such as to fill your aura aka auric egg or your energy field with light. Some people prefer clear light.  Some prefer violet light or light of other colors/vibrations (and each color has a frequency range/vibration).  I prefer golden light, which I call Christ Consciousness Golden Light. It can be useful to work with the colors you choose to cleanse and heal the various layers of your person—one at a time, such as physical, etheric, emotional, mental, astral, etheric template, celestial, and/or causal.  One day you might feel a need to calm yourself. On another day, you might feel the need of more energy. And so on. 

There are books on what is called “color therapy” that give various effects of working with the different colors, and there is also much information available via Internet. I found a document created long ago that has been copied from floppy disks to other storage devices several times.  I don’t show a source for the information, and suspect it is probably one I put together from several different sources and added input of the Team.  Here’s the list with a wee bit of the information in the document.

Blue:  balance, calm, tranquility, peace, happiness, dedication, self-discipline, independence, devotion, loyalty, idealism, nostalgia.

Green:  health, wealth, abundance of good things, balance, harmony, independence, honesty, loyalty, versatility, kindness, warmth, generosity, peace, openheartedness, feeling of power, protection, generosity, feelings of being very alive, vibrancy, self-assertiveness, self-confidence, calmness under pressure. 

Yellow:  creativity, cheerfulness, optimism, rationality.

Red: sentimentality, courage, strong will, self-confidence, vitality, strength, spontaneity, enthusiasm.

Orange:  vitality, energy, creativity, joy, wisdom, self-confidence, courage, will, mental force, graciousness, concern for society.

Silver:  said to remove fear and alleviate depression.   

Pink:  relieves stress and anger and brings out agape love (and all that fits under the umbrella of the word love).

Purple:  traditionally referred to as the color of spirituality; increases spiritual awareness and creativity; can calm but also can bring up feelings of power.   

Violet:  used to relax and rest and sleep well; increases intuition; induces spiritual awakening; calms the nerves; relieves mental chatter; facilitates deep meditation.

Indigo:  calms the nerves (even more than violet); centers and balances; alleviates negative thoughts and  feelings and clears thinking; relieves fear; facilitates deep meditation; enhances intuition and spiritual perception; facilitates spiritual awakening; said by some to have a protective effect.

Brown:  grounds; releases excess energy; can enhance mental and physical strength.   

Gold:  raises vibrational frequency and aligns with higher-vibrational aspects of one’s multidimensional soul self and with the Divine.

White:  clears thinking and relieves negative thinking; purifies.

Don’t forget that there can be too much of a good thing and cause negative effects when colors are used excessively, so use colors in moderation.

You can also program the consciousness or induce states of being by combining full-body breathing with words.  Focus and intent are to accompany all such practices and procedures.  Going on a job interview and nervous?  Silently think “at ease” and “re-lax” and “peace calm”—one word or syllable when inhaling and one when exhaling.  Concerned about something, think “all is well.”  In this case, use “all is” when inhaling and “well” when exhaling. Feeling dull?  Think “high-er” and “bright-er” while inhaling and exhaling—“high” on the in-breath and “er” when breathing out, “bright” when inhaling and “er” when exhaling.

There are numerous other ways to make use of full-body breathing to enhance one’s wellbeing, including clearing and strengthening one’s energy field. They all start with intent.

In service, we are the Angel-Light Team/Collective. Through this physical embodiment, we the Angel-Light Team/ Collective have been facilitating the healing and wellbeing of people and pets and places around the world (locally and remotely) for over 25 years. We assist people who support our ministry as they are able and as we are allowed. We don't do "energy exchanges" or accept "pay for services.”  If this article benefits or inspires you, you may want to support our ministry (and the health and wellbeing of our person) with a donation or by other means. There are numerous ways of supporting our ministry,
including item(s) from the Amazon wish list at https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/KICCFCEJALNO/ref=cm_wl_huc_view.

May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas
Mailbox Address:
760 Castleglen Dr., Box C, Garland, Texas 75043
Voice Mail (USA): 214-732-4918
Skype: Angel-Light Love
Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com
Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com
Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com