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Saturday, September 01, 2018


by Angel-Light Love of Texas
Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator
September 1, 2018 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥

Bernhard Guenther shared on Facebook recently that he had been reading Dr. Edith Fiore’s 1987 well-regarded and recommended book, “The Unquiet Dead—A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession”—for the first time, it seems.  That book has been in my collection for a long time, but I obtained it years after I had already begun releasing spirits attached to people as a prerequisite before other types of facilitation, including past life regression sessions (which I now call soul lives exploration).

Another book on the subject has been on my wish list for a long time (because it is expensive): Dr. William Baldwin’s “Spirit Releasement Therapy” (1995).  A few years ago, I was gifted with Dr. Baldwin’s 2003 book, “Healing Lost Souls—Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body.”  When reading Bernhard’s original post on Facebook and his additions to it and the comments of others in the thread, I thought about “Healing Lost Souls” and pulled it out to scan/read again to find what I missed in prior reading (and there’s always something).

On his site at https://veilofreality.com/spirit-possession-syndrome, Bernhard Guenther shared words of Dr. Baldwin in an article titled “Spirit Possession Syndrome” (taken from the book “Spirit Releasement Therapy”). I’ll only share excerpts here for informational purposes, but I do recommend those interested go to the article on Bernhard’s site and read the entire piece.  While there, you may want to explore and read other articles.

Dr. Baldwin: “[…] Extensive contemporary clinical evidence suggests that discarnate beings, the spirits of deceased humans, can influence living people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment, and subsequently imposing detrimental physical and/or emotional conditions and symptoms. This condition has been called the “possession state,” “possession disorder,” “spirit possession,” or “spirit attachment”.  Earthbound spirits, the surviving consciousness of deceased humans, are the most prevalent possessing, obsessing or attaching entities to be found. The disembodied consciousness seems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the subconscious mind of a living person, exerting some degree of influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and the physical body. […]  An attachment can be benevolent in nature, totally self serving, malevolent in intention, or completely neutral. Attachment to any person may be completely random, even accidental. It can occur simply because of physical proximity to the dying person at the time of the death. In about half the cases encountered in clinical practice it is a random choice with no prior connection in this or any other incarnation. In the remainder some connection can be found, some unfinished business from this or another lifetime. […] Any mental or physical symptom or condition, strong emotion, repressed negative feeling, conscious or unconscious need can act like a magnet to attract a discarnate entity with the same or similar emotion, condition, need, or feeling. Anger and rage, fear and terror, sadness and grief, guilt, remorse or feelings of the need for punishment can invite entities with similar feelings. Severe stress may cause susceptibility to the influence of an intrusive spirit. Altering the consciousness with alcohol or drugs. especially the hallucinogens, loosens one’s external ego boundaries and opens the subconscious mind to infestation by discarnate beings. The same holds true for the use of strong analgesics and the anesthetic drugs necessary in Surgery. A codeine tablet taken for the relief of pain of a dental extraction can sufficiently alter the consciousness to allow entry to a Spirit.  Physical intrusions such as surgery or blood transfusion can lead to an entity attachment. In the case of an organ transplant the Spirit of the organ donor can literally follow the transplanted organ into the new body. Physical trauma from auto collision, accidental falls, beating or any blow to the head can render a person vulnerable to an intrusive Spirit. The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. Sexual abuse such as rape, incest or molestation of any sort creates a vulnerability to Spirit invasion. […] A spirit can be bound to the earth by the emotions and feelings connected with a sudden traumatic death. Anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, guilt, remorse, even strong ties of love can interfere with the normal transition.  […] Many drug users are controlled by the attached spirit of a deceased drug addict.  Spirit attachment does not require the permission of the host. This seems to be a violation of free will. It also appears to refute the popular notion that each person is totally responsible for creating his or her reality and that there are no victims [emphasis added].  [Angel-Light Note:  I don’t subscribe to this “popular notion” either.] […] Ignorance and denial of the possibility of spirit interference is no defense against spirit attachment. Belief or lack of belief regarding the existence of intrusive entities has no bearing on the reality of these beings and their behavior.  […] The host is usually unaware of the presence of attached spirits. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.  In most cases, a person can only experience and acknowledge the reality of the condition after an attached entity has been released. The realization may come some months after a releasement session as the person suddenly notices the absence of a familiar attitude, desire, addiction or behavior. The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms. […] A living person can have dozens, even hundreds of attached spirits, as they occupy no physical space. [Angel-Light Note:  I once found over 300 spirits attached to a seeker, and some of these were causing gender confusion.]  They can attach to the aura or float within the aura outside the body. If any part of the body of the host has a physical weakness the earthbound can attach to that area because of a corresponding weakness or injury to the physical body of the spirit prior to death. […] An entity of the opposite gender can influence the sexual preference and gender orientation. An attached entity can influence the choice of marriage partners and the choice of a partner for an extra-marital affair.  Many areas of a person’s life can be influenced by one or more attached entities. In short, spirit attachment can interfere with any aspect of the life of the unsuspecting host.  […]  The symptoms of spirit attachment can be very subtle. An attached spirit may be present without producing any noticeable symptoms. Yet attached entities always exert some influence ranging from a minor energy drain to a major degree of control or interference. Complete possession and takeover can result in Suppression of the original personality. The earthbound spirit does not replace the rightful spirit in the body in such a case, it just usurps control. An attached earthbound spirit cannot maintain life in a human body after the original spirit being has separated from the body in the transition of death.”

I still wish for to have Dr. Baldwin’s “Spirit Releasement Therapy” in my collection because it contains more information and different case studies.  Reading case studies is a type of escapism for me. Fiction doesn’t attract me.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas
Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com
Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com
Facebook: Angel-Light Love