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Wednesday, April 28, 2021



by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


April 28, 2021 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


First, the reader is reminded that there is the soul consciousness, and there is the body mind.  Optimal merging of the two when the soul enters the body is ideal, but rare is 100% integration. And, many souls are minimally merged—for various and valid reasons, which we won’t go into here.

If you identify as a soul consciousness being hosted by a human body-mind unit (can’t take it with you), and recognize that your body is your partner in this life, then appreciate and respect your body, verbalizing your love.  One way to do that is to kiss the fingers of your hand and then gently press them over the ajna center aka third eye aka forehead chakra--between the eyebrows and a little higher, verbalizing "I love you body," "Thank you body," etc. 

Many people know that we can ask questions of our bodies and receive answers (particularly yes or no questions), with responses being body movement of different types, with the parameters previously established.  One of the easiest methods is to stand straight but relaxed. If you’ve never practiced this method before, start by instructing your body to show you its yes response. Pay attention to how your body feels, and don’t resist any movement of your body. You won’t fall. Then ask for body’s no response in the same way. Your testing questions would be some with obvious answers, such as, “Body, are we in the kitchen?”  My body’s yes response is tilting forward noticeably.  The no response my body uses is tilting backward.  The tilting responses seem to be most common among people using this method. No movement and a sense of confusion often means there will be no response to the question asked in that specific way. You can also get answers by putting your words in the form of a statement, such as, “We are in the kitchen.”  You can touch a product in a store with your hand, and ask, “Body, do we want this?” Then pay attention to your body—inside and out.

A form of muscle testing can also be used to get information.  Put the ends of the thumb and index fingers of your non-dominant hand together firmly to firm a circle.  Then insert the thumb and index fingers of the dominant hand into that space and press them together firmly.  Ask the question, or make the statement, and pull to break the circle—not violently, just gently. If the circle holds, the response is positive; if the circle breaks, the response is negative. One gets better at this with practice.

There are a myriad of ways to communicate with your body, which we won’t go into in this article.

You can also give your body simple instructions, such as, “Body, please soften and dissolve all stones [or dissolve all clots] in a safe and healthy way. Thank you!”  Or, “Body, adjust the blood pressure to the normal range, please.”  Here is an instruction for the body that covers a lot of territory: "Body, please repair any and all damage and heal any and all wounds to all organs and systems and components, and restore and renew for optimal wellness and wellbeing--now. Thank you body!"  An example of simple instruction would be slowly repeating while deep breathing:  "Relax, body," or "Hold it, body. We're almost to the toilet."  Make your body your partner, and give your body as long as it needs. You’re not waving a magic wand. 

After months or years of partnering with your body with emphasis on “safe and healthy way,” it becomes understood by body and automatic. 

Most importantly, loving your body means giving it what it needs to the best of your ability. However, don’t forget to feed your soul self in the process.  Balance in all things.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com


Friday, April 16, 2021




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


April 16, 2021 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


As long-time readers of the Angel-Light Beamer probably remember, the soul, its nature and dynamics has been a focus of mine for many years.  Just finished reading "When Souls Awaken: Real-life accounts from past-life and life-between-lives regressions" by Pieter Elsen (2019), www.elsenhypnotherapy.com).   Pieter was trained and accredited by The Newton Institute for Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy. He is a professional regression therapist with many years of experience, helping countless souls find their higher purpose in and beyond life. Pieter travels the world, conducting regression sessions and speaking about the nature of the soul

I finished reading the book (definitely not all new information to me after years of researching, etc.) last night, and I was left with an expanded heart and higher frequencies of vibration. I decided to sleep with it under my pillow just in case it was possible that more of the vibe of the book would be absorbed during sleep time. Actually, that’s all some readers need to know in order to make a decision to get this book. However, I’ll provide more details and excerpts for other readers.

“When Souls Awaken” is an easy-to-read 332 pages, with three sections and a conclusion after the preface and introduction.  Section 1 (titled “Insights for Self-Discovery Through Understanding One’s Past”) focuses on the relationship between Past-Life Regression and Life-Between-Lives Regression. It is also an introduction to the concept of consciousness, and what entering higher states of consciousness means for our “normal” state of consciousness in our regular day-to-day life.  There are six chapters in Section 1:  Why it helps to remember; Knowing the nature of the soul; Seeking integration; The ways of higher consciousness; Awakening; Living free.  Here are some words of wisdom from Section 1:  “Being in the body, you are not of the body. Your consciousness is beyond the body.”  “As we change our minds and our state of consciousness, accordingly our world will change.”  “It is only at this soul level we become one. […] That’s where we are all equal and one.”  “A wiser soul, generally, has gone beyond the need for recognition and power. Its main interests are spiritual by nature. It wants to love, help, learn, teach, and share.” 

Section 2 (titled “The Pillars of a Balanced Life”), is dedicated to understanding the three fundamental pillars of our lives—the three pillars being love, safety, and spirituality, and there are five chapters:  Living the enlightened life; The higher purpose of grief and loss; You are not crazy; Shifting the paradigm; Freedom. 

Section 3 (titled “Awakening to the Meaning of Our Higher Purpose”) is about sessions of people who have become awakened to their higher purpose. They describe what it is like to experience high states of consciousness and share their accounts of spiritual awakening. These accounts demonstrate what happens when our consciousness is liberated from earthly attachments and becomes awakened to its true nature.  Readers learn what that looks like, how it is experienced, and what it will do for us, here-and-now on earth.  There are five chapters: The fourth state; Beyond the waves of the mind; Understanding the nature of duality; The wisdom of the awakened ones: Re-connecting to our divine purpose. Some excerpts:  “It is possible to cultivate a state of consciousness that is so elevated that you are not subject to the ups and downs of this world.”  “Freedom from pain is the transcendence of both good and evil.” “Eternal peace in infinity cannot exist in a finite world of duality.”  “Joy is the light of our own soul.”  “[…] the three women in this and the last [previous] chapter became re-awakened to who they really are. They felt once again that the personality they seem to be, and the role they play here on earth is but one of many masks they wear, but that beyond these masks they are instruments of the divine source energy.”

Pieter: “If I know that my true identity is immortal and that my true home is transcendental, I will know that there is a way out of my problems and apparent limitations. And that I have the potential to be really free, once and for all. At this point it is not just a belief, faith, or even hope anymore; it is an actual inner knowing.”

The Conclusion is comprised of Chapter 17, titled “Climbing the Mountain.” Here are some excerpts: “Many of the extraordinary cases described in this book […] have worked on clearing out subconscious blocks and debris.”  “Trying to find peace of mind without investigating your diet and your media intake (your mental nutrition) is like trying to row a boat with the anchor still stuck in the ground. You can row all you want, but your desire to be spiritually connected will just be that, a desire. A fundamental change of paradigm is required.” “What we learn from the experiences of people in high states of consciousness is that heaven is not a place. It is not even a state after death, but a state of being, a frequency you have permanently plugged into.”  

Gift yourself with this high-vibration book.  And, when you’ve finished absorbing it, try some others from this list of books I recommend on soul dynamics: The Soul (Piers Morris, 2020); Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Michael Newton, Ph.D., 1994); Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Michael Newton, Ph.D., 2000); Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression (Michael Newton, Ph.D., 2004, which has much info about lives between lives); Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives, Stories of Personal Transformation (Edited by Michael Newton, Ph.D. with case studies by members of the Newton Institute [practitioners], 2009); When Souls Awaken: Real-life accounts from past-life and life-between-lives regressions (Pieter Elsen, Newton Institute practitioner, 2019); Wisdom of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives from the Michael Newton Institute (Ann J. Clark PhD, Karen Joy, Joanne Selinske PhD, Marilyn Hargreaves, 2019); Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife (Richard Martini, 2011); The Afterlife and the True Nature of Reality: The Quest for Answers to the Great Questions of Existence (John T. Mennella, 2015—for readers of a science-minded nature).

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com