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Saturday, February 25, 2023




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


February 25, 2023 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


Larry Dossey, M.D.’s “Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine” was published in 1993, but I’m just now reading and studying it 30 years later.  I would like to recommend it here before adding my personal thoughts.  

First, some background, there are over a dozen of Larry Dossey’s books available, including “Be Careful What You Pray For—you just might get it” (1997), which we strongly recommended on the Angel-Light Beamer in a 2014 article.  Others include “Recovering the Soul” and “Space, Time & Medicine.”

You may or may not have come across Dr. Dossey’s books before, but I consider them all worth a read. You might recognize names of some of the well-known people who recommend “Healing Words.”  I did.  Dean Ornish, M.D. wrote:  “The most thoughtful, eloquent, and interesting book on prayer, health, and healing that I have ever read.”  Bernie Siegel, M.D. reports that “Healing Words” “Explores a subject that has for too long been overlooked by much of science and medicine. I recommend it to everyone.”

“Healing Words,” which I don’t consider a religious book, covers a lot, even gives instructions on how to pray.  I’ll share the contents here. Part One, “Understanding Prayer and Healing, has two chapters:  Saints and Sinners, Health and Illness,” and “The Reach of the Mind: Setting the Stage for Prayer.” In Part Two, “Factors Influencing the Efficacy of Prayer,” we find nine sections:  “Prayer and the Unconscious Mind”; “Where Do Prayers Go?”; “How to Pray and What to Pray For”; “Love and Healing”; “Time-Displaced Prayer: When Prayers Are Answered Before They Are Made”; “Your Doctor’s Beliefs and Why They Matter”; “When Prayer Hurts: An Inquiry into Black [aka Negative] Prayer.”  Part Three, “The Evidence,” covers the last of the main text in three sections:  “God in the Laboratory”; “Prayer and Healing: Reviewing the Research”; and “What Is Healing?”

There are four appendices on pages 211 through 253, which include case studies and charts: (1) “Controlled Experimental Trials of Healing,” (2) “Spontaneous Regression of Cancer,” (3) ”How Good Is the Evidence? Prayer, Meditation, and Parapsychology,” (4) “Healing and the Mind: Summing Up.” There are numerous references and also notes. 

On Page 79, there begins a sub-section titled: “Prayer Without Consent: Ethical Issues,” and I’d like to include some of Dr. Dossey’s words here:  “Serious questions arise in the wake of the above experiments, which seem clearly to show that mental activity can be used to influence people nonlocally, at a distance, without their knowledge.  As we shall see, scores of experiments on prayer show that it also can be used to great effect without the subjects’ awareness. The question arises, however, about whether it is ethical to use these techniques if recipients are unaware that they are being employed. The question becomes even more urgent when we see in Chapter 9 that prayer can be used at a distance to harm people without their knowledge.” Dr. Dossey considers this subject further in the subsection.

Personally, when I elect to pray for someone who hasn’t asked (and often even when they have asked on social media), I ask in the name of the Christ [although in the name of the Light can be used, if preferred] for “a most benevolent outcome for the wellbeing” of the person and/or, in some cases, “the optimizing of the person’s wellbeing.”  I end the short prayer with “throughout creation—now.”   I don’t know a Soul’s Plan (the Divine Plan) for an individual’s life (specifics).  Far be it from me to assume that I do. I welcome prayers for my own self when another person is so guided—as long as they follow this all-encompassing recommendation.

Check out www . dosseydossey . com for information on all of Dr. Dossey’s books.

 We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

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