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Tuesday, April 25, 2023



by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


April 25, 2023 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


Recently, I've realized I haven't been consciously and intentionally grounding aka earthing myself as in times past.  So, I've started doing so--barefoot on the ground.  (No rubber shoe soles or anything else is to be between self and the earth when grounding in this way.)  What I noticed the first time  this week was that I felt a rush of high-vibration energy immediately and felt lighter and brighter.  So, this morning, Spirit/Higher Self/Guardian Angel (call it what you wish) placed a thought in mind: "Ground." Off my seat and on my feet and out the door!  Yes, there was that rush of high-vibe energy again.  With both feet flat on the ground, I took a deep breath and then affirmed aloud:  "I Am grounding my body to the earth." That was enough. However, when no one is around, I raise my arms up beside my head and sling them down  (not too strongly, and not too softly either, but just right) after the affirmation. You see, when one is grounded to the earth sufficiently (and I'm 85% after today's grounding), one can better serve as a conduit for the higher vibrations.  Who wouldn't want that?

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Angel-Light Beamer: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com