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Tuesday, January 21, 2020


by Angel-Light Love of Texas
Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator
January 21, 2020 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥

Some readers may not be familiar with the term “soulkeeper.”  I like to provide definitions of others.  Unfortunately, it’s difficult to do a google search these days without finding a multitude of links about movies, books, bands, games, and such was the case with “soulkeeper.”   I’ll use the words of internationally-known healing facilitator and teacher Ken Page (www.kenpage.com), who defined the term long ago, because I have some of his books and experienced a couple of clearing sessions facilitated by Ken in the 1990s. According to Ken [with my words in brackets]:  Aiding lost souls or spirits, while more common than usually perceived, most often happens within our own family and/or friends. [Note:  I am one of many people who don’t agree with that.]  A soul keeper is one who consciously, or sometimes even unconsciously, gathers up lost souls and keeps them safe until they can be released back to Source.  A surprising number of us may turn out to be soul keepers. People from all different areas of the country, when in discussion with their Higher Selves during a session, find out that they too have been helping to gather lost souls. Sometimes clients may have just a few souls with them, or a dozen, but some of the clients we work with have found hundreds, or thousands of lost souls and spirits. We show these clients a more balanced and harmonious way to keep fulfilling the soul keeper part of their assignment or mission, without causing energy drain to their physical, mental or emotional self. [End of Ken Page words.]

It has been claimed that some people have a sign or emblem or signature in their auric body aka light body that designates them as a soulkeeper--someone who can help lost and wayward disembodied entities and spirits and souls.). Another way these are identified is that angelics being hosted by a human body-mind unit usually appear as humans with wings and lots of light. When we are out and about, there have been both adults and children who see us, but it is more common that it is children.  We have written several articles over the fifteen-year-existence of the Angel-Light Beamerabout being sighted—both when we are with this body and when we are away on assignment, such as examining and assisting people and places.

This month, I had a very unusual soulkeeper-type experience (which is what I’ll call it despite realizing it might be something else entirely).  There had been an event scheduled honoring the family and friends of a couple. I sensed that there was something we the Angel-Light team were to do for the location of the event, and probably a location clearing before the scheduled day, so I googled the address and found an image of the building to print. I looked at it several times in the weeks leading up to the event, but didn’t sense it was time.  So, I went to the event and was there in that space about three hours. Didn’t sense anything unusual while there, and it’s a good thing I didn’t, for I have never had an experience quite like the experience I’ll describe in the next paragraph.

When I go to a location and close the eyes, I can sense, in various ways, if there are disembodied spirits around. Didn’t close the eyes while at that location; however, when I laid me down to sleep for the night and closed the eyes, I was surprised to see numerous spirits crowded around me, some who would get up close and try to get my attention. It was such an unusual “wow” experience that I just stayed still and witnessed what was going on around me for a couple minutes, assuming I had somehow brought home with me a crowd of spirits, soul fragments, entities, etc. who were trapped in the lower astral realm. Apparently, this is not as unusual as I had thought, because I have recently read some words of other spiritual healing facilitators claiming that some of us have been clearing the lower astral realms in preparation for a big event.

We processed all those disembodied ones of various types who had returned home with me (about fifty) to “their rightful places in creation” (important to remember).  That was a beautiful experience!  Leads me to wonder if we are really doing mass clean-outs of the lower astral realm as some people have claimed.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas
Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com
Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com
Facebook: Angel-Light Love