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Monday, February 12, 2024




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


February 12, 2024 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥

Originally posted on March 20, 2006 & Revised


I had some time to fill one day last week and went into a thrift/second hand store to look around. Normally, I don't buy used shoes, but I found casual shoes in my preferred style in excellent condition (almost new) at a very low price. They seemed unusually heavy, but I purchased them anyway, because I thought perhaps they'd strengthen leg muscles.

Had no major adverse effects from wearing the shoes until I accompanied a supporter on a shopping expedition and was on my feet for two or three hours when wearing them. I began to feel so unlike myself and heavy spirited with less light. Finally, I quietly called on Archangel Michael to help me. At our last stop, as I was walking down an aisle alone, I noticed an object had fallen from a display and was on the floor across the aisle. As is my habit in such instances, I bent over to pick it up and replace it, wondering what it was. I turned it over, and it was a metal angel on a metal stem that one can place in a garden or yard. A message from Divine! Laughed aloud at that! The negativity had begun to lift a few minutes earlier, and I felt better before the shopping trip ended--EXCEPT for the feet and legs. That evening, out of the "new" shoes, I could barely walk and was in much pain in the legs and feet, a nerve thing, it seemed. I still did not feel as my "normal" self. Of course, I did some energy clearing for myself that night (but without full results).

Wore the shoes some in the home the next day, but before I drove away from that supporter's home, after getting into the Lightmobile, I changed from the "new" shoes to different shoes. Immediate change! The yucky energy totally lifted, and I felt like myself again immediately. (The leg discomfort wasn't relieved until hours later.) Before putting the shoes in a bag for charity, I did a clearing process on them, which I hope will make a difference so somebody can make use of them.

I am aware that I'm much more sensitive to energies and vibration than most people, but perhaps there are those reading this who may need to pay attention when their energies or mood changes. A good thing to do is to ask one's Superconscious/High Self: "Am I carrying someone else's energy?" An affirmation might be: "I AM...releasing what is not mine to carry or to heal and banishing it to its rightful place in creation...NOW." 

To clear an object of heavy, dark, and negative energy, set your intention.  Then take several deep breaths quickly to increase the flow of life force energy through your person.  In through the crown and expanding throughout your body. Start the flow of energy through your hands and gather the energy of the object and toss it into a bowl of salt water. When finished, flush the water and then wash your hands. Always have your current intention in mind.  Lastly, return to the object and hold your hands over the object and affirm: "I AM...filling and surrounding this [object identity] with [light energy, for example].  This is but one example of how to clear energy from object.  There are many. 

Here's one more. Those familiar with simple dowsing devices know to start the device gently moving in a counterclockwise direction, and state the intention (to clear the object). The more there is to clear, the stronger and faster the device will move. It will slow down dramatically when the job is done and then stop. Sometimes an experienced dowser will see the dowsing device start to move in the opposite direction, which means the object is being infused with good energy through the dowser.

Enough for now. 

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Angel-Light Beamer: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com