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Thursday, July 25, 2024




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


July 25, 2024

♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


These words of Paramahansa Yogananda that I saw today on the Internet reminded me that I have avoided shaking hands with people for many years when at all possible, and clear my energy when it’s not convenient as soon as I can. I also have swiped my open hand across my eyes after I’ve inadvertently looked into the eyes of criminals pictured in the media for many years.  

From “How to Be a Success,” of “The Wisdom of Yogananda” series, Paramhansa Yogananda (pre-1950):  "We must be careful with whom we associate because we are continually exchanging magnetism with other people through our thoughts, through shaking hands, and through looking into the eyes of another person. As soon as we shake hands with someone, a magnet is formed. The person who is the stronger gives his vibration to the other person. We become like the people we mingle with, not through their conversation, but through the silent magnetic vibration that goes out from their bodies. When we come within the range of their magnetism, we become like them."  

How many times a day do you shake hands with people?  You exchanged energy. How much of that energy are you still carrying around?  It probably dissipates after some time--a few hours later, or months later, depending on your power or that of the other person.  How often do you place yourself skin-to-skin or merge in intimacy with another person?  That’s a more intense energy exchange that can last a lifetime.   

There are ways we become connected energetically to other people as well (in the form of etheric hooks, cords, etc.)  How many etheric/energy cords do you have with others that are not aligned with your wellbeing—or their wellbeing?  How many hooks are in you, and how many hooks do you have in others that are detrimental.  These are just a few of the ways we can be connected with others.   

So, whose energy are you carrying now?  How does this affect you? Are any of your physical issues that of someone else?  I could tell you some stories of my experiences and that of others for whom we the Angel-Light Team facilitated wellbeing before our semi-retirement.  Here’s one:

When I ended the “traveling angel years” (about 20 years) and moved into the apartment where I’ve resided for 14 years, I noticed that my feet and ankles began hurting after a few days. Then there was a community potluck about two weeks after I moved in. Normally, I do not attend such things, but I thought it wise to go as a way to satisfy any curiosity residents might have about the newbie.  (And I haven’t gone to one since, nor to other social gatherings at this small-ish residential facility for senior citizens.)  On the walk back to my apartment, I caught up with a woman walking very slowly and carefully. I greeted her, and asked, “How are you today?”  Her response was: “I’m trying to get my feet to move.”  Aha!  She was my next-door neighbor in the same small building, and I had contacted her dis-ease by virtue of living next door to her.  After I walked into my apartment, I cleared my energy of hers, etc.  It was an immediate clear. My feet and lower legs stopped hurting immediately, and I made sure that didn’t happen again. Some of us are more sensitive than others of us.  Because of my psychic skills/spiritual gifts are stronger overall than those of the average person, I’ve learned more and more how to recognize when I’m carrying other people’s energy and know that it is in my best interest to deal with it right away.  It is also my responsibility to make sure others aren’t carrying my energy around. Sometimes it slips my mind, but I’m reminded again and eventually take action.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Angel-Light Beamer: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com