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Thursday, July 18, 2024




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


July 18, 2024 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


This is a recommendation of the book “Quantum Spirituality: Science, Gnostic Mysticism, and Connecting with Source Consciousness (Peter Canova, 2022).  I realize the name might lead one to think it is a big, small-print book, but that is not the case.  There are 244 pages including foreword and introduction and notes and index, and each of the short-ish 32 chapters has several sections, which is one of the reasons it is easy on  the eyes.

Let’s start with the names and subtitles of each chapter: (1) Getting Started: Energy Matters; (2) My Story: I Get a Startling Awakening; (3) The Materialist Worldview: Spiritually Limiting Perspectives; (4) The Perennial Philosophy: A Sacred Ancient Wisdom; (5) The Sacred Feminine: The Feminine Principle in Mysticism; (6) Gnosticism: A Mystical Tradition Recovered; (7) The Great Gnostic Myth of Sophia: An Incredible Take on Creation; (8) The Fall: How Spirit Descended; (9) The Force of Opposition: The Dark Side of Spirit; (10) The Truth of the Matter: The First Appearance of Matter; (11) Jewish Mysticism: Moses and the Origin of the Kabbalah; (12) Gnostic Jesus: The Secret Teachings of Jesus; (13) A Gnostic Tale: Story of an Adept in Ancient Egypt; (14) Achieving Gnosis: The Adept Initiated; (15) What We Lost; (16) Journey of the Mind Voyager: Psychological Discoveries of Carl Jung; (17) From Mind to Matter: Matter Formed from the Psychic Dimension; (18) Quantum Weirdness: Bizarre Properties of the Quantum World; (19) Beyond the Quantum: Quantum Physics in a Nutshell; (20) I Am Therefore I Think: Consciousness and Quantum Physics; (21) Intersections: A Multidisciplined View of Creation; (22) To Be or Not to Be: Our Main Thesis; (23) Through a Glass Darly: The Illusory Way We Perceive the World; (24) Worlds of Possibilities: Incredible Theories of Quantum Physics; (255) Swimming in Energy: The Hidden Matrix of Creation; (26) Consciousness the Hard Problem (27) Three Thousand Years Late: How Mysticism Predicted Quantum Physics; (28) Never Mind: Understanding Mind Levels; (29) What About Me: Conditioning Yourself for Consciousness; (30) Brass Tacks: Techniques of Meditation; (31) Is It Real: Further Evidence; (32) In Closing: Religion Materialism and the Third Way.

From Chapter 1, Getting Started:  This book takes quantum theories with established experimental data, then cross-references and validates them with psychology and mystical wisdom to demonstrate the existence of higher realities.  Here is the book’s stated thesis. Objective reality does not exist in the mind of an intelligent Master Consciousness that manifests Itself through multiple frequencies, like a radio signal broadcasting through different bandwidths.  This Consciousness operates through the transmission of light energy, and emits an energy field called the quantum wave potential in physics. The energy field is the raw ingredient that Consciousness draws upon to form different interpenetrating realities or dimensions of existence.  Like a stack of pancakes forming the totality of creation, these dimensions support and affect each other in descending levels of denser vibration down to the matter of our perceived physical world.  Personal human consciousness is part of the creative Master Consciousness, albeit operating in a greatly limited frequency of awareness that makes us think we’re independent operators, separated beings from the Whole. Huma beings are the bridge between the material world and the higher energetic dimensions of consciousness, but we must awaken to this reality to activate our innate co-creative power.

Here is the author’s “Gnostic answer to the problem of theodicy, the paradox of how an evil world can come from a good God”  (allegorical):  Say a pure lake exists high atop a mountain. As water from the lake flows downhill, it picks up various contaminants. This stream originates from clean water, but in its downward journey becomes increasingly polluted while the source at the top remains pure. Visualize that, about halfway down, we acquire pollution at the psychic level.

This is the “bottom line,” according to the author: Gnostic wisdom and quantum physics are tied at the hip; so, if you want to toss out Gnosticism as superstitious arcane nonsense, be prepared to do the same with the quantum science that has shaped our modern world.

P.S.:  The author reminds the reader that, through self-reflective techniques such as meditation, we can rise to the higher mind levels from which we originated, receive guiding information from extraordinary sources, and exercise more conscious co-creative control over our lives.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

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