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Sunday, March 29, 2020


by Angel-Light Love of Texas
Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator
March 29, 2020 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥

A few weeks ago, when re-saving old Word documents to current Word, I came across bits and pieces of info which may be useful in these challenging times. I’ll share them here and then share some of my current methods of keeping vibration high and light bright.

Bruce Tanio, inventor of one of the frequency monitors, found that the normal frequency range of the human body is between 62-68 MHz; but if it drops below that, the individual becomes a candidate for illness. Cold symptoms appear at 58 MHz, flu symptoms at 57 MHz, candida at 55 MHz, Epstein-Barr at
52 MHz, and cancer at 42 MHz. (This is just a sampling of his findings.) [Note: My frequency was 68 MHz the last time I checked it on March 1st. I was wondering--under the circumstances.] 

I haven’t shared information about “The Bovis Scale” in the Angel-Light Beamer in years.  The Bovis Scale, developed by a French physicist, quantifies or measures how positively or negatively charged a substance is. For living organisms, the key reference point on the scale is found at 6,500 Bovis Energy Units. From 0 to 6,500, the charge is in the negative range, or life-detracting; when above the 6,500 point, the energy gradually becomes more positive, or life-enhancing. The desired minimal energy level for humans is found to be between 8,000 and 10,000 Bovis Energy Units, or slightly positive. The earth itself creates energy in the 7,000 to 18,000 range. This energy is also referred to as Biophotons, which are light particles invisible to our eyes. This positive radiation is necessary to the maintenance of life on earth. A simple way of describing Bovis Energy Units would be to call them Bio-Photon-Activating Energy Units. [My energy level was 10,650 BEUs when I checked it on March 1, 2020.]

I found a little something else about the body’s biological frequency, and don’t know its source, which says 0 to 250 cycles per second (CPS) has to do with the lower material world, 400 to 800 CPS is the range for healers and psychics, and 800 to 900 CPS is the range for trance channelers.  This has me wanting more information so as to make better sense of it.  [Anyway, my body’s biological frequency measured 895 CPS on March 1, 2020.] 

Before sharing some methods I use to keep vibration high and light bright, I want to share some words of Tom Rappas about frequencies of vibration excerpted from: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/wakeupcall/2018/12/realizing-the-christ-consciousness-within-you/: Christ is a consciousness, a frequency, an offering to man from the Creator to align to. Christ is, in essence, the vibration of God as realized in man.  The Christ vibration does not belong to Christians. It is a frequency of consciousness that was manifested in form by Jesus and by others in different names over history. No one is without Christ consciousness; it has not bypassed anyone. Anybody is welcome to this consciousness and frequency. Any man, any woman, can be a conduit with the divine. Achieving this connection with the higher frequencies, starts by rejecting what might be termed low-frequency thinking. Your pride, your fear, your loathing of the self--these are the low frequencies that must disband, that must release, that must go away for good. If you believe things will always be the way they have been, that is what you will create. If you are vibrating at a higher frequency, you do not get zapped by the lower because, in fact, you have risen above it. Man cannot be put outside of God because God is everything. God is the frequency of every cell in your being. You are vibration. You are an aspect of the Creator in form. You are inherently perfect, manifested in perfection, that is your true state of being.  You all have the ability to be a tuning fork for the higher frequencies. When you set the intention to vibrate at a higher frequency, your frequency changes and the feeling in your energy field will actually shift. Your vibration will attune to a higher octave. Each time you progress in the higher frequency, you retain the information and the consciousness that you have come to. Christ consciousness represents a change in your own consciousness, a change in how you experience yourself on a moment-to-moment basis. You are changing your path to vibrate at one with your Christed Self. You are calling these energies to yourself. Once this change has been made, your feelings in your body will begin to shift as you begin to exist in a higher frequency. When your Divine Self works at a higher frequency, it doesn’t really get angry about anything. It integrates with the energies of love. True love is a frequency that is emitted and it transforms all it encounters. You will begin to witness the divine perfection that is in every man and woman you encounter. When you move to this level of identification, you resonate at a higher frequency. You align yourself to the Christ consciousness. You know that God is in everything and everyone and cannot be otherwise. When you resonate at this frequency, you bring those around you into the same frequency and align with the Christ consciousness. You are a benefit to all those you encounter. Your choice right now is to embark on this consciousness shift with a decision. These higher frequencies are already working within you. Believe you can lift your frequency and exist at this level and you will. [end]

Something that facilitates my wellbeing is first the affirming as follows (while tapping into full body):  “I Am Angel-Light of the Angel-Light Soul Collective, and I give thanks that Divine Light Energy of the Christ Vibration circulates  dynamically within and around my space—keeping the vibration high and light bright--constantly, consistently, continuously—throughout creation—for the duration—now. Word I Am Word!  Thank you!” I breathe deeply with full body before, during, and after, and move my arms and hands around intentionally and sometimes all my body.  Sometimes one has to give the energy flow a jump start by imagining it coming in through the soul cord and/or the crown chakra and moving the arms and hands in a complementary manner. Just replace my name and info with yours and go for it!

In recent weeks, it occurred to me to address energy contamination (which most of us experience in one way or another) by focusing on cellular consciousness, specifically:  “cleansing and purifying the consciousness of my cells of [insert] and banishing it all from my totality to a secure healing place—now.”  Some examples of inserts I’ve recommended to people are: all consciousness that is not aligned with wellbeing; all consciousness that is not compatible with Christ Consciousness; all foreign negatives; all virus consciousness; all consciousness of people who engage in the dark arts with manipulating and harmful intent and their astral agents; all cancer consciousness; all anti-Christ consciousness; all unholy consciousness. The reader may have some others come to mind.  This can be done via affirmations, such as: “I Am [your name], and I Am cleansing and purifying the consciousness of my cells of [insert] and banishing it all from my totality to a secure healing place—now.”  It can be done with prayer, such as, “I Am [your name]. I ask in the name of Christ and give thanks for the cleansing and purifying of the consciousness of my cells of [insert] and banishing it all from my totality to a secure healing place—now.”  It is better to address one type of consciousness at a time when praying or affirming.  

Finally, embed the Christed frequencies into your cells--using either an affirmation or asking in prayer, knowing it is done. I was pleasantly surprised at the shifts I began noticing when focusing on clearing cellular consciousness. And, embedding the Christed Consciousness makes a major improvement in wellbeing.  Won’t go into a long explanation of why this is needed and necessary for many of us. Try it over several days, not forgetting to speak aloud from your point of power and breathe deeply with full body.

When we keep our vibration/ frequencies high (and light bright) and bloodstream oxygenated with lots of movement and consume higher-vibration foods (fresh, uncooked fruits and veggies and juice), we are less susceptible to disease.  I realize that some of us are unable to do everything we would like to do and/or eat everything we know is good for us, but we can do the best we can, and that will have to be good enough.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas
Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com
Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com
Facebook: Angel-Light Love