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Wednesday, October 28, 2020




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


October 28, 2020 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


Recently, a Facebook friend posted on his page:Energy blockages: What do you know about them, and what is YOUR method for dealing with them?”  I’m certain he already knows how to clear his energy and was just wanting to know what others did.

I commented: “That’s a chapter in book. There are lots of options.”  FB friend responded: “Alright just the cliff notes then.”  Over the next day, there were a variety of suggestions, and all seemed more complex and deep than this that I had posted (and would take an entire book to discuss/describe):

“By virtue of living in this dense world, we are exposed to odds and ends that aren't aligned with our wellbeing.  Intent is the beginning of clearing. One thing I do is spin big golden disks (about 5' across) down through my person--as many times as feels right at the time, beginning a few feet above the head and ending below the feet. Another thing I do is work large screens (about 5' x 5') down through my person, jiggling them a little as they move through, to filter out what doesn't belong--as many times as needed. There are many more useful ways to clear.  I especially like the recommendations of Eric Raines' (unleashingnaturalhumanity.com) in YouTube videos.”

Let’s back up to “square one”:  Moving the body by dancing—especially to upbeat music (such as in exercise videos) and/or intentionally shaking the entire body--a section at a time or all at once—is a good place to start.  Why take a quantum leap into more complex energy blockage removal methods when often just moving the body will make a difference. There are people in wheelchairs who do this for wellbeing.  And, if a person is severely disabled, that person can imagine jiggling the body inside and out. That can be organ by organ or area by area (leg, for example), or the entire body. 

Increasing the flow of life source energy through the embodiment is another simple way to clear energy blockages, stating one’s intent first (with an “I Am” statement).  There is an energizing breath technique, which goes like this: Take several rapid breaths in and out through the mouth, making sure to pull the air throughout the trunk of the body. You will usually see your abdomen expand when inhaling and contract when exhaling. If not, practice is necessary. While you do that, repeat silently to yourself over and over: "I am energized. I am vitalized."  Slinging your arms out and about is beneficial during this. 

The body's major energy centers (chakras) can be congested and blocked by this, that, and the other. Therefore, focusing on them with intent to clear and optimally activate is beneficial. Here is one method for doing so: Begin by deep breathing slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth to relax yourself. Imagine a big ball of light energy above your head. As you breathe deeply, imagine the light coming into your crown chakra and down to the brain stem, and down the spine to where the root chakra intersects the spine. Take a deep breath, and imagine the root chakra is absorbing and assimilating energy and is healing and strengthening itself. Then exhale, imagining you are expelling negative energy from that chakra, leaving it clearer and more resilient than before, breathing out both sides of the root chakra with the light energy. Remember to fill the chakras with light after each clearing. Do this procedure for all your major chakras until you reach the forehead/brow chakra area. This is somewhat different. When you breathe out, the energy goes out through the forehead and also through the back of the head down near the base of the skull. You will find your body seems to naturally do this, and you may feel a strange, pleasant sensation in your forehead. You may find it convenient to work on the crown and third eye chakras at the same time. Remember to fill each chakra with light after each clearing. Now for the fun! As you get better at this, you may clear the 1st and 2nd chakras together easily. Practice until you can imagine the light flowing out all your major chakras simultaneously. As you become more skilled at this process, you can fill your entire physical body with light and then breathe it out through all the pores of your skin.

Start with the moving and shaking and then the life source energy flow. Move on to the disks and screens, then the chakras—as you are able.  There are so many more ways to decongest and unblock the energy, in varying degrees of complexity.  This article is not to write a book or even a chapter in a book, so we will stop here. If you want to know more about eliminating energy blockages, contact Angel-Light or do an internet search—or both.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com