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Wednesday, November 04, 2020




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


November 4, 2020 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


I just finished reading “Wisdom of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives from the Michael Newton Institute” (2019) authored by Ann J. Clark, PhD, Karen Joy, Joanne Selinske PhD, and Marilyn Hargreaves, members of the research committee of the Newton Institute, which was established in 2005 by Michael Newton, PhD., author of “Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life  Between Lives” (1996) and “Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives” (2000) and “Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression” (2004), all of which I have in my collection.  “Life Between Lives” is described on the back: “Now, for the first time in print, Dr. Newton reveals his step-by-step methods. His experiential approach to the spiritual realm sheds light on the age-old questions of who we are, where we came from, and why we are here.” The book is designed for both hypnosis professionals and the general public. Dr. Newton also edited “Memories of the Afterlife” (2009), which contains stories of personal transformation via Life Between Lives sessions that were submitted by members of the Newton Institute. Yes, this book is also in my collection.  Don’t assume that these books are difficult to read because of the label “case studies’ because they are presented in such a way that the average person can read easily.   I recommend them all.

“Wisdom of Souls” is not focused on case studies directly.  Instead, as you will see from the contents I will share in this article, the focus is on issues that come up by virtue of living human, and how people gained insights in Life Between Lives sessions, and how their lives changed because of the insights (shared in follow-up communications). From the back cover: “This book provides profound spiritual insight and lessons that will help you connect to your own inner wisdom and gain a new perspective on your life challenges.  Within these pages, you will read amazing stories of people whose Life Between Lives experiences helped them manage family conflicts, cope with health issues, improve their romantic relationships, advance their careers, and resolve debilitating anxiety and depression.” There are 26 Newton Institute Life Between Lives practitioners who contributed case studies (with permission of 62 of their clients) for “Wisdom of Souls.”  Past lives, as they relate to the issues of patients/clients, are also covered.  In my opinion, this adds to the value of this book because with it, it is easier for readers to understand and apply the information in their own lives.   

After the Introduction, there is Chapter One, titled "Facing a Health Crisis," which contains sections titled:  A Message From Your Body; Cancer, the Dreaded Diagnosis; Cancer Brings Emotional Healing; Life After Brain Trauma; Health Crisis as a Turning Point; Embracing Vulnerability; Understanding the Root Cause.  Chapter Two, "Anxiety and Depression," contains Emotional Challenges of the Soul's Plan; Releasing Depression and Guilt; Serving Humanity; Unresolved Past Lives; Debilitating Anxiety; Holding Guilt from the Past; Finding Peace in a Chaotic World. 

Chapter Three, "Healing from Loss," contains: Lack of Closure; Healing in the Aftermath of Suicide; Loving After Loss; Losing the Love of Your Life.   Chapter Four, "Navigating Romantic Relationships," contains: What is Love?, The Difference Between Love and Infatuation; Balancing Attachment; Fulfilling Soul Contracts; A Pattern of Conflict.  Chapter Five, "From Self-Sabotage to Strength," contains:  Diminished Self-Worth; Taking Love for Granted; Overcoming Rejection; Overcoming Feeling of Rejection and Jealousy; Protecting a Broken Heart. Chapter Six, "Growing Through Family Conflict," has: Dealing with Disharmony; Dysfunctional Families; Challenging Parents; Enmeshed Families; Suicidal Relatives.  Chapter Seven, "Nurturing Relationships," includes: Balancing Needs; Tough Love; Healing the Unloved; Forgiveness Heals; Severed Bonds; Importance of Self-Love; A Gift of Unconditional Love.

Chapter Eight, is titled "Balancing Career and Finances," and includes: Career Versus Family; Choosing Money Over Passion; Money Woes; Not Living Up to Your Potential; Always Second; Gifts from the Past; Loss of Identity.  Chapter Nine is "Breaking Free," and sections are:  Releasing Habits; Patterns of Belief; Addictive Echoes from the Past; Habits That Limit Growth; Addiction in Families." Chapter Ten, "Transformed by a Brush with Death," has:  Rape at Gunpoint; Global Tragedy, Personal Awakenings; Surviving Life-Threatening Events; Traveling Through the Tunnel of Light; An Out-of-Body Experience; A Troubling Accident; Cosmic Healing; Revisiting a Mystical Experience from a Coma.  Chapter Eleven, "Aging and Dying," includes: Losing Independence; When Alzheimer's Is Healing; Dying with Grace and Ease; Welcome Home. Then there is the Conclusion, of course.

Here are some tidbits of info/wisdom from “Wisdom of Souls” that may entice you to read it. They will seem disjointed because they are from throughout the book, and I’m putting them in the same paragraph. Words in brackets are mine. “Each of us has kind, loving guidance from our spirit guides, angels, departed loved ones, and wise elders in the spirit world. We are also able to connect with our higher self, the portion of our soul energy that is always connected to our immortal self.”  “Your soul invests a variable amount of energy into each incarnation, and some of your soul energy remains in the spirit world. This means you can connect with members of your group even if they are incarnated.”  “We can even carry past physical injuries into a new life as an unexplained pain, scar, or physical deformities.”  “They are telling me that having this rare blood disease was not planned for this life” [meaning life doesn’t always go as planned].  “Dr. Newton originally believed that the amount of energy brought into an incarnation was static. However, we have since encountered sessions with special circumstances where this might not be the case” [static meaning staying the same from birth to death].  “Joy creates flow.”  “Focus on the joy. Focus on the wonder. Enjoy life and don’t be afraid. This is the most healing thing she can do. She must focus on joy. On creating joy for others as well, which she does. This will be the path to healing.”   “He needs to prioritize joy and fun!” “The guide counsels us all not to assume that life challenges are reminders that we have detoured from our life plan” [and re-read that one again so you don’t forget].  “Every human must commit to love. Only love. Earth has the agreement to serve people to learn this.”  “Our service to others is not driven by any need. We have no needs when we feel complete. Our service to others comes from our heart and is organic and natural, fueled only by unconditional love “The heart is what protects.”  “Think with your heart.  We think with our heads and it is not necessary at all. Every decision can be based in the heart, every single one.  It is simple. Follow the heart. That is what the world needs now.”  “We need to fill our hearts with love before we can really help others.”

During discussion of one case in this book, the client/patient learned that in a “past life,” his son in that life is his stepson in the present life, and the son and stepson share the same soul.  I’m including this piece of information here because many people don’t believe that a whole soul sends portions of itself to incarnate as humans in different bodies/lives.  We’ve written about this in articles on the Angel-Light Beamer site.

I had a friend who transitioned from this life about 2004.  She was a spiritual teacher and healing facilitator and had a kind and loving heart.  She spent many hours, under hypnosis, describing her other soul experiences/lives to a licensed psychologist, who recorded all those hours.  She told me about some of them.  In “Wisdom of Souls,” I find these words of a patient/client in a Life Between Lives session who tells the same story, it seems to me: “I feel responsible for the past, when I was part of the universe, part of a group of twelve. I can see us standing around a crystal and the crystal has cracked. We were trying to increase the energy of the crystal and it unexpectedly broke. It damaged the grids around the earth. Continents moved, and the water went everywhere. The ocean rose, and a lot of people were lost, including Atlantis. It was an accident. The flood wasn’t our intention. We were trying to increase the power on earth, so things would be better. But it didn’t work.”  When the LBL practitioner had her ask her creator what could be done about it, he responded: “It was all part of the plan. It is done. It is healed.”

Several years ago, I was gifted with by Richard Martini’s “Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife” (2011).  The author shares stories of Life Between Life sessions of himself and others facilitated by trained Newton Institute practitioners in a personal, informal, down-to-earth manner.  Fascinating book, and I also recommend this book.

A month or so ago, I read Peter Smith’s “Quantum Consciousness: Journey Through Other Realms” (2018).  Peter wrote the Foreword (a tribute to Dr. Michael Newton) in “Wisdom of Souls.” He also contributed to “Memories of the Afterlife,” mentioned previously in this article.  Peter was the president of the Newton Institute from 2009 to 2018 and is now director of the Newton Legacy.  Peter’s book is very interesting for those who have an interest in quantum physics (as I do). I want to share from the back cover of the book: “Deepen your understanding of quantum physics and expanded states of awareness with ‘Quantum Consciousness’, an enlightening guide that helps you pull science and spirituality closer together. This fascinating book invites you to tour alternate realities, parallel lives, interdimensional consciousness, the eternal state, and even the very fabric of the universe. Specially emphasized are four aspects of quantum consciousness: the creator effect, intanglement, everywhereness, and holographic healing. You’ll also find a detailed exploration of the various realms of consciousness, including stored consciousness, alternate consciousness, parallel consciousness, and interdimensional consciousness.”   Peter still trains Life Between Lives practitioners around the world, and has published several articles on spiritual regression and hypnotherapy.

I’d like to end this piece with one final quote from “Wisdom of Souls”: “When we are open to connect to others and we are living from the heart, we are our true selves. Our true self naturally nurtures others. We are calm, even in challenging circumstances.  We are accepting and not judging, expressing unconditional love to those around us.  We know what to do because our heart tells us. And we trust the universal plan, understanding that whatever happens is ultimately for the highest good.”

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com