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Saturday, April 03, 2021




by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


April 3, 2021 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


In this article, we will share an active meditation for self-clearing and healing, of which there are many. This meditation is for clearing and healing all layers of the body, including physical, etheric, emotional, and mental.

Most meditations, even active meditations, begin with relaxation so as to facilitate accessing all layers and levels of your person that are engaged on this plane of existence through your particular embodiment.  We’ve shared relaxation processes, including breath techniques many times on the Angel-Light Beamersince 2004, the year it was started. These are available using the search blank on the upper left side. Only two or so at a time are shown, but there is a place to ask for more on the lower right side.

We won’t go into relaxation techniques in detail in this article. However, we will recommend isolating in a quiet place and getting comfortable, then closing the eyes and deep breathing using the entire trunk of your body—or your whole body if you wish. 

When sufficiently relaxed, pat your upper chest gently, and instruct slowly several times, “Relax body.” We recommend speaking softly but clearly aloud, for reasons we won’t go into here.  However, you may choose to communicate silently. When you feel yourself relaxing, place your arms beside your body or in another comfortable position.

In this process, you will be using the forwarding instruction and filling in the blank with words we will share:  “Relax, body. Release all _____ [fill in blank] to the wasteland in a safe and healthy way. Go clear, clear now, and allow Divine healing love-light energy to move in—on a full and permanent basis—now.” Thank you, body.”

Proceed slowly and gently. Start by filling the blank with “tension and negatives.”  Address other issues that follow here in any order you wish, although we recommend keeping groupings (between semicolons) as presented: “allergens and irritants”; “virus and flu”; “toxins and poisons”; “infections and infestations”; “malignancies and distortions”; “death and disease”; “heaviness”; “garbage”; “blockages”; “stagnant and congested energies”; “stuck and trapped energies”; “infirmities and afflictions”; “clots and stones”; “inflammation.” You may have other categories come into your mind for your consideration.  

To complete the meditation, instruct body: “Body, repair all damage and heal all wounds to all organs and systems and components, and restore and renew for optimal wellness and wellbeing—now. Thank you, body.”  We do recommend thanking body often throughout this meditation process.  After you’re complete, spend some extra time in your comfortable position before arising.

There have been reports of noticing tingles and other sensations in various parts of the body during this active meditation and the period of rest afterward.

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and there is an Amazon wish list (link provided upon request).  May all be well with you! May there be plenty for you!

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com