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Friday, February 11, 2022



by Angel-Light Love of Texas

Spiritual & Metaphysical Healing/Wellbeing Facilitator


February 11, 2022 on ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥


If you are addicted to learning about consciousness as I am, consider increasing your conscious awareness and discover alternate realities using quantum physics and deepening your understanding of quantum physics and expanded states of awareness with “Quantum Consciousness: Journey Through Other Realms” (Peter Smith, 2018), an “enlightening guide that helps you pull science and spirituality closer together.”

I had read “Quantum Consciousness” during the last year or so, and it was a keeper.  When I clearly heard the name “Peter Smith” (telepathically) a couple weeks ago, I retrieved “Quantum Consciousness” from my bookshelves. It became immediately clear to me that I was to re-read the book and write an article for the Angel-Light Beamer that might attract the interest of people.  I decided that the best way to do that is to share some bits and pieces from the preface, the introduction, each chapter, and the conclusion, so here goes.

Preface: Quantum scientists tell us that we are energy, consisting of subatomic particles, and that the entire universe is our home. Consciousness researchers tell us that we are an energy that shifts, changes, and travels unbound by time and space. Both are right. We are quantum consciousness.

Introduction: “Quantum .Consciousness” offers some of the basics of quantum physics as a springboard into expanded states of awareness so our consciousness can be free from the human intellect and other restrictions of the human condition. What you will learn from this book is that your multidimensional magnificence is closer than you think.

Chapter 1, What Quantum Physics Is Telling Us: Ultimately, there are a number of concepts in quantum physics that have enormous synergy with expanded states of awareness. In short, these four concepts build the foundation and essence of quantum consciousness. They are the observer effect, nonlocality [everywhereness], entanglement, and the holographic nature of the universe.

Chapter 2, Ripples of Wisdom From The Consciousness Community: (1) We will tell you that while the language of the conscious mind is “time,” the language of the subconsciousness mind is “energy.” (2) So it would appear that our consciousness is free to roam where it needs to or even where it is drawn to, under our stated intention in which we engage our own observer effect.  

Chapter 3, Quantum Consciousness Energies: Once you become a seeker, by the very nature of the energy and intention of that condition, you will never be a finder. You will continue to seek and move forward on some form of hero’s journey that never ends.

Chapter 4, The Journey Through Your Personal Universe: If we change ourselves, we can change our planet. If we change our planet, we can raise the vibration of the universe itself. This is the simple phenomenon of holographic healing.

Chapter 5, The Realm of Stored Consciousness:  In stored consciousness, we are looking at ourselves as we are, have been, or will be.

Chapter 6, the Realm of Alternate Consciousness: (1) When we incarnate, we leave some of our energy back in the spiritual realm. We decide how much to bring with us, depending on the certain life we choose before we come and the challenge of doing as much as we can with a limited supply of our overall energy. (2) We also know that energy can be split between two or even more bodies in order to learn more rapidly. This shows that a soul can split energy in order to accelerate its development.

Chapter 7, The Realm of Parallel Consciousness:  In the quantum consciousness realm of parallel consciousness, we have come to understand that our consciousness is active in many apparent times and places on this planet, all unfolding in unison.

Chapter 8, The Realm of Interdimensional Consciousness:  Our consciousness can reside in other types of bodies, existences, and dimensions, more so than we can ever realize.  

Chapter 9, The Realm of Eternal Consciousness: Our intention for the realm of eternal consciousness is for the client to feel their deepest expanded authenticity.

Chapter 10, The Quantum Consciousness Experience:  Consciousness cannot be contained, and it can take many forms.

Chapter 11, Changing the Landscape of Planet Earth: I’ve worked with anxiety and depression in clinical practice, and it was only when I came to know these conditions as energetic blockages, and not a form of mental illness, that I was able to assist people to shift the energy and step into their true potential.

Chapter 12, The Evolved Landscape of Planet Earth: “We can’t change a reality if we remain in the same consciousness that made it” (quoting Gregg Braden).

Conclusion, An evolved Consciousness for Humanity:  Remember who you are, because when you do, you draw on the higher collective purpose that is bringing the healing souls back to this planet at this time. As you shine, others will find you and come together in a wave of consciousness that can change reality as we know it. All of this will happen easily as you remember who you are.

If learning and growing and evolving is an important part of your life, gift yourself with “Quantum Consciousness” by Peter Smith (2018).

We are the Angel-Light Team—a collective of beings on mission to assist humanity. We don’t do business. We do service.  We trust Divine to provide for our human instrument through the kindness and generosity of others. You may want to support our multifaceted ministry/mission with a donation to Angel-Light Love. There is a convenient donate button on the ♥Angel-Light Beamer♥, and Amazon and Walmart shopping cards are appreciated.

Angel-Light Love of Texas

Email #1: healinglovelighthouse@outlook.com

Email #2: angel_light_love_texas@yahoo.com

Facebook: Angel-Light Love

Web: https://angel-light-love-healing.blogspot.com